Well happy camper I was not today at work.  Just seemed like everything decided not to go as planned then a few other thing on top of that to boot.  Oh well it will be better tomorrow and truly could have been worse.  Got to S. Charlotte after work and focused on requirements, helped in junior class then great insane class with Master Chin & Inst. Hsin.  Master Chin focused on staff forms which was a big help.  It's not a matter of doing the form but being precise on your execution.  I know the forms but now trying to focus on making them more powerful.  Lot's of review on the knife and I swear I am going to get it.  I am up to 7 so happy dance for that it just needs to be more fluid instead of mechanical.  I think too much.  Last but not least was TKD++++++++.  Inst. Hsin took that to a new level and it was great.  Did not do bad but my jump lunges were pretty pathetic.  Tonight was very challenging and it was great!!!  So I would say that the great class made my day not seem as bad because I am tired now and its time to retire for the evening.  Going to study for a bit then lights out.