Hello King Tiger! Today was an awesome day of testing which went pretty well except for two things: my written test and my v-sit ups. The V-sit ups were a bit hard since I did them so rarely and I don't know what happened but, during the pre test, I got 14 done and this time I did 5 because I accidently put my foot on the ground. Next, I trusted the blue study guide for gwes and directions and I got all the cardinal directions wrong. The second thing I messed up on the written test was the instructors and what school they had. I mixed it with master shin and master chin because I second doubted myself. I wished I did better. I am still happy for Caleb, Braxton and Mrs. Suzanne for getting 100s on the test(This is one long paragraph about testing). After testing, I went back to class and did my community service project and finished the essay for it. My parents had to go shopping and I came with them. I still have a lot of homework to do and I need to start on my requirements for today. Let's hope that goes well...