Greetings Pokefans!

Nothing memorable today, but let me squeeze out this journal ray quick for yall.




I teach third and eight grade students, both in english and for third grade I teach math. I have officially receieved a room that a second grade teacher utilizes to teach sixteen third graders advanced math and literacy (fifth grade level to be exact). I of course have the follow the North Carolina Standard Course Of Study (teachers of any district will understand), but overall I am thrilled to be getting closer and closer to a what I think may finally be what I want to do with my life: a teacher. So I better marry someone rich. I would either teach Elementary School Math and English, Middle School English, or High School Physics.




For my AP Physics class, I had to build a bridge out of small balsa wood that could hold the average weight of a newborn baby (7 pounds or more). My bridge, not to brag, held 8 pounds :D. Of course someone else's bridge held 13 pounds, but with the limitations of the bridge and me being absent due to teaching, I had a minor disadvantage. Not fair if you ask me.




Sparring was fun! Am I excited for Saturday's nonetheless week 1 of cycle is almost over. It was extremely quick, which I don't think that will be evident for the rest of the cycle. That just be how pain I MEAN AMAZINGLY REWARDING AND FUN TWELVE WEEKS OF BASICALLY PHYSICAL WORKOUTS be, ya know :D? Well anyways, that's all folks.

















it'd be crazy if I was talking to someone during this journal, and that someone also happens to be on cycle huh? small world ;)