Everyone on their next journal, let us spam #bread to commend how good Instructor Graceyn's bread was (yes I spent $20 on two loafs sue me people). But let me get into my very healthy obsession of the night :D.


DONT WANT YOU IN MY BLOODLINE (I am still listening to it :D)


For those who are so unfortunate, 'Bloodline' is a song by Ariana Grande that came out about eight years ago, and lord I am obsessed. Usually when one finds an obsession, they try and find ways to become sober of their obsession. However, in this scenario, I am perfectly ok with my one-and-a-half-hour-straight listen to this MASTERPIECE of a song. The amount of time I have and probably will continue to pause my writing of this journal to jam to this ABSOLUTE BOP is far too many, and I can barely count to five.

*i know what you want, what you want from me. I know what you think, what you think you see. I know what you looking for, but i'm complete. I know what you need, but it wont be me*

Wow that line hits so hard :3.




Bread very good. I eat bread. Bread taste like good bread. I eat :D.

*i know what you want, what you want from me. I know what you think, what you think you see. I know what you looking for, but i'm complete. I know what you need, but it wont be me*






Now, I am going to end this journal, and get no sleep because Queen Ari is calling.................yes this all because of one song..........................I will kill for this song...............try me I dare thine to :3.......................







GO TO SLEEP (Dumbledore said calmly)