See I title this "BREAD! 🍞🥖" because That's going to be my new skill! Yep, bread making. Now because I don't know how to make up my mind I'm having you guys, (People on cycle) choose me flavors of bread I'll make! I'll be making bread for 5 weeks and I'm starting off with just a plain own white bread and letting everyone else choose the next 4 flavors! This google form - - is the link to the form where you can find some flavors I would like to make. I also made a "other" box in case you have another flavor I could try. After the 5 weeks, I'll write my essay and bring the best flavor, determined by the Black belts at Lake Norman, to overnight testing! HORRAY! I did my pre-test today and realized I have absolutely no upper-body strength whatsoever. But hey, everybody starts somewhere. Also....... WEEK TWO!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! KEEP IT UP GUYS! I AM SUPER EXCITED TO TEST WITH ALL YOU GUYS! KEEP GETTING STRONGER AND IMPROVE TO YOUR FULLEST! I BELEIVE IN ALL OF YOU AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! And time to pass out, good night! 🥳🥳🐯🐯