To think that it has only been a year since my first black belt cycle still has me questioning the reality of time. First off,




Waking up to the roads malformed into frozen puddles made perfect for some not-so-happy accidents down on the highways is such a beautiful nightmare for any driver. The pretty white snow that has the ability to ruin any car in the hands of an irresposible driver. Luckily for me, this eventful Saturday truly does make up for the "storm" that occured the night before.




I got the extremely grateful opportunity from my parents to to watch Charlotte's Off-Broadway production of Hamilton! The cast was very talented, and Lafeyette/Thomas Jefferson got the most laughs out of me. Eliza's vocals had me weeping in my obstructed chair as the very kind woman next to me took up half of my seat. She was very sweet however, to the point where we even made minature comments to one another after 'The Battle Of Yorktown'. George Washington also had me in awe with his phenomenal vocals, especially during 'One Last Time', my favorite song from the show. A truly remarkable experience that has furthered my goals in my theatre career.




Because truly these journals will mostly focus on two things: Teaching taekwondo and Master Natasya making fun of all my minor mistakes (no shade whatsoever :D). After doing the debilitating workout that I gave myself no break over, I prepared to send the recording to prove I aint no slaker. But of course, by what I could pnly assume was an attack towards my insanity, the video doesn't upload because the file is too big. So of course after some internal screaming and immense anger, I redid the video. A great start to the cylce, what's next? I bust my knee for half the cycle again (I swear if I jinx this I am using my next paycheck for a Ouija Board to get rid of whatever ghost be playing with me). 

IN THE END (it doesn't even matter)!


Who got that reference :D? I will probably play Marvel Rivals after this journal because like any teenager with average school grades, I am addicted to further ruining my eyesight. Here's to another few months of insufferable success to coimb up the black belt ranks! Cheers to all my fellow testers (with non-alcoholic drinks because most of us are underage). Good Luck to all!


P.S. my mentee better have submitted his video :C