I woke up a bit later than normal today at 6am. I put my shoes on and a sweater then I went on a nice 3 mile jog. I got back right before sunrise. Then I ate breakfast and finished my weekly math homework. I got ready for school then it started snowing and I'm surprised they didn't cancel school today because it looked like more snow than yesterday when they cancelled school. So I went to school, it was a pretty short day. By my last class, I started to feel very hungry but neasous at the same time.  Once I got home, I ate a small snack then went to the 6 o'cloock class. I assisted and lead warmups during class. Then I went to sparring and about 5 minutes in, I rushed to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to puke. I didn't puke, so I just told myself I'm being dramatic. So I drank some water and joined class back. Once we started lines, and we started to do cut kicks, I had an unbarible pain and my face looked green and my skin was pale. So I asked to sit out for a bit then I got changed in the bathroom so I can leave class early. Then I puked while getting changed, then my momma picked me up. We got home and puked even more in our kitchen. Then I ate dinner, went to my room, and now I am watching tv before I go to sleep. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow. Goodnight!