I'm finally back to journaling after ANOTHER break due to mass studying for huge tests in school. But hey, music nerd journal today! Enjoy me going way too in depth with a song :D




So the song my vocal teacher had me sing today was in response to me saying that I would LITERALLY KILL to play Scar on Broadway (Top 3 Dream Roles) so he gave me a song from 'Epic: The Musical' to sing in order to build my intimidation while singing. The song is called 'Hold Them Down' which is SLIGHTLY inappropriate to discuss the details of what is happening in the song as well as the words, however, I can speak of the tone and vocal choices that I took to invoke intimidation. Generally, intimidation comes from low notes when it comes to males. That is why the most threatening parts of 'Be Prepared' which is a song Scar sings tend to be the beginning segments of the song, as that is where he sings the lowest. His higher notes and the later parts of the song that are more memorable simply show the audience that the character has made a shift to become more malicious. That is exactly what happens in 'Hold Them Down' as the character's more intimidating and creepy segments of the song tend to be lower in the context of the notes. However, the song ends with a B4 (two octaves higher than the lowest note in the song which is a B2 though the B2 is FAR MORE utilized in all of this character's songs), which I normally do not struggle to both falsetto and belt/mix a B4. However, in this song's case, the high note DOES NOT work the same unless a rasp is paired with it. Not a growl (which I can do pretty easily) but a slight rasp to truly show the insanity of the character and how he has become far too out of hand; unsavable and needs to be executed. This song is so much fun to sing however, and the difficulty truly comes from where you need to place the rasp, without over-utilizing the rasp to make the song just feel corny. This is a phenomenal song that I am excited to sing again in front of my entire class tomorrow.


Well that's it, so I will see y'all tomorrow and probably write some more funny stuff cause why not, nothing else cool is going on in my life right now :D