Went to Black Belt class yesterday. I am so glad I had done a good number of my requirements before class because my body was exausted afterwards. 
Today I started on my requirements early... I've tried to stay away from sick family members but it is still in the house, now I feel like I'm catching whatever it is so I wanted to finish up and rest the remainder of the day.   My husband has been hacking, coughing and had a runny nose for about a week now.  i certainly hope it doesnt jump on me so bad.  I've been taking my vitamins too hoping they will help ward the sickness off. 
I am still struggling with push-ups... I do them in sets of 10s... I'm hoping the popping and grinding is just sounds of age. I did hold myself a little longer in pull-up position, that's improvement, And it does excite me. My jump rope skills, well it is probably comical to watch, but very frustrating for me... I will keep working at it.
All for tonight. I'm heading to bed early, rest may help me feel better.