On call tonight. I had planned to go to Black Belt class, but it was 8 PM by the time I got off the phone with a patient. Work has been kicking hard over the past week. I've developed eye strain from so much computer work. Even still I was behind on somethings by the end of the week. Spent the no-snow snow day catching up. There are times when I can work 24 hours and still be behind. Sometimes I dream about work while I'm sleeping. By the end of last week, I was so tired I could not read. I could see the words, but they just did not make sense. My brain had shut down. Interviewing and checking references for a new staff member. No matter how diligent you are, you never know how someone will work out. Falling behind on requirements. The will is there, but the time is not. And I'm on call this week and surgery on Thursday. And the pathologists keeps calling.