Hello and good bye to a typical Monday. Dropped off the kids at school, went to Mint Hill to pick up my customers drapes, then off to Myers Park to install them. Arrived at the customers house and the painters are painting in the room where the drapes go. Client looks at me and says, "Is that going to be a problem?" That happens more times than I would like, so income was low today. The price of the self employed. Still, I wouldn't change it for the world. I had this argument with my wife's uncle one time about self employment and being an employee. There are definite pros and cons to each one. My wife's uncle thought I was an idiot for not being employed by a nice large corporation. He was telling me about job security, pensions, paid time off, and so on. I made my points of freedom, higher revenue, flexibility, and not getting fired. Each one of us had good arguments, but he was dead set on my idioacracy and that I was doomed. Six months later he was laid off. Moral of this story, always check your six before you tell another man his twelve. Did you get that one? I made it myself. It's a little vague and probably safe from making into any fortune cookies. What I meant to say is understand your fellow man or woman before you cast your pointer finger at him, because God has a nice way of reminding us that we don't know our butts from a hole in the ground. One mans path is rarely the same path as anothers. So before you launch that zinger on Facebook, take a step back think about if it's really worth it and if it's going to change someone's life for the better. One man's soap box is another man's litter box. Hmmm, that one was truly lacking. Aren't you glad this stuff is free?