When my wife went to get her massage therapy license, I thought, great, now I have to be a ginny pig. And I was, a lot, and believe this or not, I really didn't like massages in the past. But, after some sore back pain, bad shoulder pain and leg pain, I started really appreciating the free massages. I started thinking, this isn't bad, I can go play rough and tumble and she can fix me. It was redefining our relationship. Until she caught on. Drat!! Now when I come home with a bad shoulder or something, she looks at me and says, "I'm tired, maybe tomorrow I'll take care of your shoulder." Next thing you know, I will have to go her website and schedule a massage. Not to mention pay her. Well, like all things in life, enjoy the good stuff while it lasts. I'm going to stand under a hot shower and pretend I'm in a lot of pain. Got to work all the angles. Take care out there.