Today was just a busy day at work. It was non-stop from 7:00 until 5:00 today. It was just back to back meetings. Now, I am complaining, but I have it really good at my job. If I am not traveling, I get to work from home. It is a pretty good gig... but when I work from home... it seems like the day just flies. Like I said, I was back to back all day... even through lunch. I try to grab something between meetings. I really wish Microsoft would make it easier in Office to "auto"-build in about 5-10 minutes between meetings in the calendar so that you get a chance to breathe. I find that after a day like today, I have about 30 actions I need to take and then there is no time for the actions... so when do I do them. I can delegate some but not all. Crazy. 

I am looking forward to instructor camp this weekend. I am excited but a little anxious as well. Nate is coming with me this time, and I am so very excited he gets to go, but I am worried about him. It is pretty intense and lack of sleep. I hope he manages okay. I just hope the adrenaline just keeps him going. Lots of snacks and water for him. I am more nervous about him going than me. 

Keep moving!!!