Today i got all my assignments turned in and i feel very accomplished. In math class we got new seating and i sit with my friend Carley and in-front of an old friend i used to know Makenna I got a question wrong and my friend Carley squealed at me, which i thought was funny. When i got home from school today my mom got me and my sibling Chick-Fil-A which i am very grateful for (i got a number 1). We had tkd class today as well and did sparing so i got to check of one of my sparing classes which was nice. After class we had our black belt class and did a lot of turning kicks wich made me very dizzy but made me feel better about my kicks. We don’t have school tomorrow either so i can get extra requirements for my black belt cycle to! I have to study for my retake on my pre test with flash cards so i can get a 100% tomorrow when i retake it.