I wish I had my lap top instead of my IPad tonight. I’m in a venting mood and it’s easier to type on a lap top that on an IPAD. I had a parent call the office, no, she picked up her kid, at dismissal, told the secretary that her son gets nervous when I yell in class, I turn the secretary emails the dean of students, assistant principal, and principal.
Problem 1…I don’t yell at my students. 

problem 2 - this parent, myself, and her son have already had this exact conversation in October. 

problem 3 - I had a bad ear infection LAST MARCH that still affects my ear…15percent hearing loss in my right ear. I have a tube in my ear. I’m not yelling, I’m probably speaking ( all of which I have already explained in October) 


questions…how long ago did I yell? Why did the parent reach out to me first?!?! 

on another note, no, I didn’t run or jog today. I’m not getting sick. 

hoping for a better day tomorrow