That was a nice little frosting of snow today. Just enough for the kids to get excited, then nothing. I think nature is saving it up for Saturday morning when we do our precycle test. That will make it so much more fun. I'm looking forward to the test, but I know I need to pull out the books here tonight and start studying. A little procrastination on my part. Though I never have been a big reader. I wish I did get into books more often. I always have a hard time keeping with the story and my mind wonders off and I have no idea what I just read. My oldest, Connor, loves to read. I'm not sure where he got it from because my wife nor myself never sit down with a book. It makes me happy to see him read. I think it's a different outlet for him when he's not allowed to have video games, which is quite often. I've had this conversation with a few friends who complain that their kids don't read enough. I tell them what we did, take away video games. They practically gasp at the idea. "It's too difficult to do that at this point. It's his outlet time." Ever feel like side kicking someone in the head? Why do we always ask a question we don't want the answer to? We are all guilty of it to some degree. Years ago, I was in class at UNC Charlotte, and was complaining to a classmate that I never have any money left over to use for the material I need. I had a grande mocha something in front of me while I was complaining. The guy looked at me and said, "stop going to Starbucks." That was not the answer I was looking for, but he was 100% right. After a year or so, I realize that and stopped giving Starbucks all my spending money. I'm a slow learner at times. So once again, I digressed from my original point of this journal to something completely different. From weather to fiances. Stay tuned for tomorrows debacle of "These are the days of my whining." Peace out Cycleillains!!