today marks the first week of the black belt cycle. today i woke up, went back to sleep for an hour, finally got out of bed and made breakfast. after eating i did my requirements for the day. we got krispy kreme today, which was strange because my family usually goes dunkin over krispy (idk why, we've always done it that way). my favorite is boston cream/chocolate glazed w cream bUt mY sIsTeR tOoK iT aLrEaDy (i need to stop w the capitalization thing) so i just ate a glazed one. we also played a new board game today, which is another tradition we have. our board game collection is piling up. today it was this game called "Takenoko" and it was so confusing at first we spent half an hour trying to figure out how to play the thing. eventually we got it though. today was a good day but i feel kinda cooped up from being in the house most of the time. my house is cool and all, but i wanna go hiking or something that's not here. i'll get my wish though, since we're going up to ohio soon. hang in there guys and see you tomorrow