I'm still pretty sore in some interesting places post boot camp (lateral calves, anterior deltoids, inner thighs)....places that typically don't get sore doing push-ups and sit-ups. Burpees are very hard for me to do right now. I'm having to modify them in order to save my knees and lower back. I kind of hop back and down into the thrust instead of squatting, lower my body to the ground, push up, walk my feet toward my hands and then stand up. The jumping and squatting is painful. Hopefully I can work up to a full blown Burpee as I get myself back in shape. I received my Advocare products today and I'm very excited about getting starting on Wednesday! I've downloaded the iPhone app and I'm ready to go. Still don't have a pull-up bar and I'm WAY behind on that requirement. Planning on buying one this weekend.