Our Black Belt Cycle Community Service project was to prepare and serve the people at the Salvation Army Center for Hope. I used to drive by Center for Hope almost daily and never took the time to figure out a way to help. Today I was able to come early enough to help prepare the meal that we would serve. That was an experience in itself. I have never helped prepare a meal for so many people. I cut tomatoes, helped prepare salads, cut trays of brownies and put them on individual plates and helped wash dishes. The meal looked and smelled really good, just like a home cooked meal, not like typical cafeteria food.

The really rewarding part was serving the people the meal. Most of them seemed to be really appreciative. It is sad to see so many people that do not have a home to go to each day, but is nice to know that Center of Hope is a place where they can stay for a while to give them temporary stability and hope for something better.

I was great to see Dan, Kyra, Nikhil, and Anya interacting with some of the other children and talking with them about Tae Kwon Do. I wasn’t at a place where I could hear what they were saying, but I could tell that the other children were interested and some even asked questions. Abby led the King Tiger kids in a poomsae demo.

I feel extremely blessed to have a job I like most of the time, a place to call home and the means to not worry where my next meal will come from.