Not too successful in getting into a routine yet. Tried journaling using my Kindle last night and the font is too small for me to see, so that won’t work. I need to make a special point to get onto my laptop to journal more regularly. I have been using a memo app to keep track of the requirements as I do them since I keep my phone close usually. Pushups are getting a little better. Fifteen at a time beats ten. I need to make more use of weekends to knock things out, but haven’t brought myself to do that yet either. We have a make your own 4 week challenge that I am doing with Instructor Tucker and one week is 125 pushups, one week is 125 sit-ups, one week is 15 burpees, and the other week is 5 jump rope rounds. Mix and match the days is allowed too, so should be able to get one of those done each day. Go Tucker! I have not worked up to running much yet. Still more run/walk. I hope to be able to run at least the first mile then use set intervals to get the rest. The King Tiger 5K will be a challenge. One of these years I will run the whole thing, but not tomorrow.