This is the last posting of this Black Belt Cycle.  How can I summarize everything that we have gone thru it's quite a challenge as this journey is not encompass in 10 weeks or 20 for those of us that are going for higher belt level, but from the first day that you put your uniform on and wrap your white belt around your waist.  It is very true that a black belt is a white belt that does not quit.  At this time with all the sourness, bruises and as tired as I feel my mind is raising with everything that I have learned and going thru all the movements of the poomsaes and self-defenses that I feel I still need to get better at.  The only words of advise that I can pass along for anyone that wants to get on this journey is don't get discourage, don't say I can't do it, put aside any negativity and take each day one step at a time.  A long time ago I was told that the only way you can eat an elephant is one bite at a time, and my friend that is a true statement.   So start today your own black belt cycle (or mini cycle).  Everyday build your strength and endurance, as these are the tools that will pull you through any goal that you place in front of you to challenge yourself and to achieve it.  Get down and give me 10, 20, 30, 50, or a 100 push ups, sit ups and kicks, and then build up from there.  Do this everyday of each week of each month of each year, and I can promise you that you will feel better about yourself as you will be strong of body and mind.  One last piece of advise eat well, food is fuel to your body that should be enjoyed not indulged.  Every so often do a little indulging but don't over do it.  As they say a moment on your lips a life time on your hips.  My parting words are Live well, Laugh often, and Love much.