I didn't do much yesterday other than get out to the Greenway and take Monty for a walk. It was too nice to not do something outside. Work is very busy at this time of year and will be for the next few months. I didn't think I would get to walk tonight with my friend, but she surprised me and offered about half an hour. Thank goodness her time wasn't exact. When weather is not what we want to go outside in, we have a work building that has a loop in it that is about a tenth of a mile. I had already decided that I need to up my burpees or I'll never reach my goal. I did 3 burpees after reach loop and two loops I did 5 for total of 58 burpees and 2.36 miles. Okay, I might have skipped a loop or two, but I will continue that each time we do the loops. Now going to eat and then start the rest of my requirements. Unfortunately it's likely to be another late night.